
graphis prospectus book standing

graphis prospectus, conceptual dawson college document sent to potential (prospective) students to attract them to apply for admissions. this prospectus aims to showcase the graphic design program

and its very large and diverse set of courses and projects with a free and maximalist design approach. The exposed spine binding reminds one of the varied stacked experiences that make you who you are as a designer in this program. The cover only legible at some perspectives demands the viewer to move and shift comfort zones to see the bigger picture. And This maximalist design sets out to give you everything, and more. three different overlapping grids are used to create a sense of dimension and to make consistency in chaos. Each grid has its purpose, one is for the small body text, another for the large body text and the folio, images and captions have their own grid. These overlap and interplay to consistently be inconsistent.

graphis prospectus book standing"werk it" visual asset
spreads of graphis prospectus book
spreads of graphis prospectus book
spreads of graphis prospectus book
spreads of graphis prospectus book
spreads of graphis prospectus book
spreads of graphis prospectus book
"wow" visual asset close up of graphis prospectus book exposed spine"what is this program" visual asset close up of graphis prospectus book exposed spine standingangled shot of graphis prospectus book with cover design becoming legible at sharp angles
scribble visualscribble visualscribble visual




