silk & honey

neri oxman book and case angled

this combined book and display case embodies the captivating concept of bio-organic design, drawing inspiration from the natural world and the pioneering work of neri oxman.  

aligned with oxman's philosophy of biomimicry and organic 3D printing methods, this project merges innovative technology with the inherent beauty of nature. Neri Oxman is a designer and innovator who works at the intersection of design, biology, and technology.  She's known for coining the term "material ecology" to describe her work, which explores how design can be informed by and integrated with natural processes. Her projects have been exhibited at prestigious museums around the world and she is a leading figure in a movement that seeks to blur the lines between human-made and natural creations.

Photos: Noah Kalina, 2017
Joao Costa, Aguahoja III, 2021
courtesy Neri Oxman.

neri oxman pictured by Noah Kalina, 2017neri oxman bookcase clos up neri oxman book and case straight frontfaceTexture of 3D board, by Joao Costa, Aguahoja III, 2021, courtesy Neri Oxman.
bonbon hot candy packaging on it's side surrounded by candystraight line up shot of bonbon hot candybonbon hot candy held upside down opened up and candy being thrown intoclose up of candy
Texture of 3D board, by Joao Costa, Aguahoja III, 2021, courtesy Neri Oxman. neri oxman bookcase spine close up



silk &



